Friday, September 30, 2011

Reviewing the Website Points2Shop - Internet - Free

Hey there everyone, Mike here (or CrescentSkies if you prefer my Triond name) doing an article on the website, Points2Shop. As some of you may know but others may not, Points2Shop is a legitimate offer and survey website that connects you to various advertizers, market researchers, and social information companies in trade for money. It claims to be legitimate and from what I've seen so far (as I will discuss later) it really does work. Well that'll be for all of you to decide after this now won't it?What Is Points2Shop? (in-depth explanation)Points2Shop is a legitimate survey and offer website that makes money by providing other companies with customers, panelists, and data. These three sources are you, the Points2Shop Member. By completing the various offers and surveys on the website you are given a percentage of the money that Points2Shop earns which you can use to purchase various prizes and items. Points2Shop is not a "get rich quick" website and makes no claim to be one, in fact all the members, administrators, and some parts of the website itself will tell you that you have to earn the points and put some effort in to get anything.Points2Shop has been around for several years and as the main site will tell you has handed out over 3 million dollars worth of cash and prizes. There are thousands of members in Points2Shop, but thankfully companies need thousands of resources as well. This system of supply and demand is the basis of Points2Shop, but that does not guarentee that it will be around forever. If the demand for opinions and social information drops then so will the reliability of Points2Shop.So What Are The Good Things?Well since this is a review I'll give you a short list of all the good things about Points2Shop, I may leave some things out but this is an article not a book:


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