Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fresh Gaming System; Sony Playstation 3 Slim In Stores 09/01/2009 - Entertainment - Video Games

Confirmed, the New Console Sony PS3 to grab September 1st, 2009.

Here's what Sony Computer Entertainment Inc had to say in a PR dated 20th Sep;

"NEW SLIMMER AND LIGHTER Playstation 3 Slim TO HIT WORLDWIDE MARKET THIS SEPTEMBER - Lower Price to Further Accelerate Expansion of the PS3 Slim Platform Along with Extensive Software Title Line-up for Upcoming Holiday."

Consoles may only be grabbed by using this account. This was setup because all of our home directories are automounted from somewhere else. Console/Core Unit: The core unit in a video game console is the hub where the television, video game controllers, and game program connect. It usually contains a CPU, RAM, and an audiovisual coprocessor.

Actually, that's not strictly true. Based on pictures of their finished product though I wouldn't bother to buy them. Actually, someone did disconnect the heat and the last time I used one of those portable space-heater contraptions I nearly burned down the building. So we're gonna have to tough it out - what's a little hypothermia in the name of art?

Microsoft, oddly enough, has always made an effort to cater to the game development community, to their long term success I think. Microsoft also points out that the Sony PS3 sale has been the number one platform for third-party sales through the entire year. Of course, this is nothing Sony can't rectify with a bit of dirt cheap PS3 Slim magic, right? Microsoft has similar plans for the Sony PS3 Slim, but given the fact the the PS3 already has Blu-ray and a larger hard drive, the PS3 has the clear advantage.

Even on the easiest setting the game is difficult to the point of being frustrating. EVE and DUST players will interact and occupy the same world and EVE players will even be able to contract DUST players. Check out the footage of DUST 514 here as well as all the information about how the two games will work together, it's nothing short of awesome. Every time you knock out a goon, you take his money. If you get knocked out, you wake up in the last mall you visited to find that half of your money's been stolen. Every week saw the release of 2 or 3 of our favourite games from childhood, some good, some bad. They even started offering games we've never played before, in the form of import titles from Japan.

With great gaming technology and great games, PlayStation 3 is worth every penny. By purchasing your very own gaming console, you will see that this is not really a waste of money at all. With this down loadable system you would often get to see things getting fixed and re-evaluate it to see if it is an improvement. When users see companies listening to them that is the biggest complement and they will in turn start providing massive buzz. Will their console still be wonderful?

Sony Playstation 3 Slim owners would do almost anything to get Metal Gear Solid 4 on their console, and conversely PlayStation 3 owners would most likely faint if Halo was ever announced for their system. But things aren't always rosy in the land of console exclusives. Xbox is also the only system that offers the extremely popular first-person shooter, Halo. Many people have purchased the Xbox just to play Halo, and for good reason.

Note that online game play costs around 40 per year with the Xbox whilst it is free for the PS3. The Sony PS3 does not possess anywhere near the processing power of the other two systems but it does gain an advantage over them with its unique wireless controller system, making the console more of a fun gaming device which often comes into its own where larger groups of people are present. Note that you won't get a message on screen stating that recording has started (if you want one, set con_noPrint "0", although this will display a lot of other stuff too). You can check it in the console although this will obviously be in your demo.

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