Friday, March 9, 2012

Video Game Industry Set For Yet More Growth - Technology - Gadgets and Gizmos

The gaming market is worth over 4 billion each year and is still growing and the giants in the field are constantly improving and introducing new innovations to gain a strong foothold in the market.

2011 is set to be a big year for the video game industry and 2010 was a year of evolution, with Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft, all enjoying strong sales success. PlayStation Move and Kinect introduced motion control to the PS3 and Xbox 360 and the year ahead looks set to be dominated by the continued growth of handheld devices and motion control.

Although rumours about PS4 and Xbox 3 persist, the big manufacturers will not announce new consoles for the home in 2011, probably because both Sony and Microsoft will live in hope that their PlayStation Move and Kinect motion control systems will continue to breathe new life into their profitable existing consoles.

Sony have announced global sales of 4.1 million by the end of November 2010 since the launch of PS3 in September of the same year and with a strong line-up of hardcore Move games being released during 2011, it is certainly a year for gamers to look forward to.

PS3 will benefit from top exclusive games like Uncharted 3, which has been reported to be a strong contender for game of the year, also supported by strong multi-platform titles like Mass Effect 3, a new Call of Duty game and Rockstars LA Noire.

The biggest story of 2011 will be handheld gaming as new hardware is introduced. Sony bring the bigger news and announcement of the PSP 2 probably in July and maybe a launch before Christmas and is expected to have a touch-screen and a performance not too far off that of a PS3.

You may be the proud owner of a PlayStation 3 and you are looking forward to 2011 with everything Sony has to offer but do not get complacent and make sure you look after your console, as there has been a lot of attention on faults connected with PlayStation 3.

You may encounter problems such as freezing, not reading games or movies, not accepting discs, and of course the most talked about fault, the famous YLOD (yellow light of death). Dont throw a tantrum, stamp your feet, or shout, just take your console to a reputable PlayStation 3 repair service, and of course make sure it is the right one offering a same day PlayStation 3 repair, as you will be so disappointed if you have to wait weeks to get back to gaming.

A spokesman for The PlayStation Pros (PS Pros) said we can fix all PS3 problems and we are proud to be servicing both in London and New York USA. We have repaired tens of thousands of PS3 issues ranging from YLOD to laser faults to HDD issues and we are confident that we provide the best service at the best price he went on to say we offer a mail-in PlayStation 3 repair, or a walk in while you wait PS3 repair service if you are local to London and more importantly all repairs are completed in less than 45 minutes

2011 is looking like being an exciting one and with the gaming market still growing we can expect bigger and better things from Sony.

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