Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4 Inventions That Will Revolutionize Fitness - Health - Fitness

Have you ever found yourself staring at that rack of sweat laden dumbbells at your gym and thought to yourself, "There has got to be a better way to do this." Well there is, but most of them simply aren't cost effective enough to be found at your local gym yet. From machines that blend the line between video games and fitness, to full on virtual gyms, here are 4 things that look sure to revolutionize the fitness industry.

1. The Cateye GamebikeBasically a spin cycle with a video game attached, the Gamebike allows you to play racing games with the cycle in lieu of a controller. While the idea may not sound too innovative, priced at only $2,000 (which will be sure to drop over the next few years), the Gamebike is a very realistic alternative that, if proven successful, will usher in a whole new era of videogame exercise equipment. Not only will it give you something to watch at the gym besides the sweat trickle down a middle aged man's back as he slaves away on the treadmill in front of yours, but is compatible with Xbox and Playstation, giving it the potential to be shaving inches off gamers' beer guts in their homes all over the country.

2. The M6 Rock WallYou can now get the physique of Sylvester Stallone in "Cliffhanger" without risking your life on a real mountain or even worse, your dignity, climbing the rock walls at your local gym. Essentially a vertical treadmill with rocks attached to it, the M6 is also programmable, allowing you to set goals like a height of a mountain, so you can at least feel like you're getting closer to your real goal, which should be to look like Sylvester Stallone.

3. SensaNo, not Sensei. Sensa will help you get a cut physique without having to take diet pills, or god forbid, do enough cardio to get your body fat down that low. The weight loss spray, Sensa is an odorless admixture that was developed by a neurologist after 25 years of research. All you have to do is spray it on your food, and it will fool your brain into feeling satiated. In clinical studies, people lost an average of 30 pounds over a period of 6 months. Now the only problem is to make sure you don't become anorexic with it.

4. Virtual GymsPerhaps the most revolutionary of all of these ideas, the idea of virtual gyms may be showing signs of a viable alternative to the hassle of real ones. A recent study that followed two groups of women, all of whom were considered obese, in an attempt to find out if going to an "online" gym would be more effective than the real thing. The study, which lasted 12 weeks, split the women into two groups, one that attended weekly sessions at their local gym, and the other that participated in an online version via the game "Second Life." Both groups learned about the same things (how to exercise, eat right, etc.), and both groups even lost the same amount of weight (roughly 10 lbs.) after the test period. However, the virtual group scored much higher on tests after that assessed their retention of values and ideas of maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

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